Wednesday, November 11, 2009

First Post!

My name is Graham Croucher.
I live in Sydney, Australia.
I play Magic: The Gathering at a competitive, but not (yet) Professional, level.
Anything not related to the above point is not really relevant to this blog.

My Magic Experiences:
I started playing the game when my older brother came home from his new High School with a pile of the cards, and showed me the game. This was in 1994. He had this awesome R/G/W deck that "curved out" and Palladia Moors and Fireball for 20. I got the leftover colours of Blue and Black, which suited me just fine. I quickly fell in love with counterspells and powersinks, causing my brother no end of frustration.

I played the game at a casual level up until 2000, when I played in my first Sanctioned Event, a Masques/Masques/Nemesis Draft in which I came 7th.
I kept playing until Legions/Scourge, which I disliked and caused me to lose interest in the game. I came back in June last year to Shadowmoor drafts and Block Constructed season.

From these humble beginnings I've begun my quest for glory:
- 17th at Nationals after grinding in for my first time attending.
- 1 PTQ top 4, a 9th place, 10th place and 12 place all in the last year of playing.
- 5-0 to 5-3 at GP Melbourne this year (I was doing well until I tilted against LSV)

What can you expect from this blog:
Right now, not much. I will start regular updates soon and decide on the amount and type of content then. What I envision for this is a place for me to post my thoughts on the current format du jour, be it Standard, Extended or Limited. I follow the PTQ circuit, play weekly Standard FNMs and draft when I find the time. This will add up to a surprising amount of content if I find the time to put it all down. More likely, you'll see me post decklists that I made/found and think are cool, and talk about my experiences with playing them.

I'll be writing up reports, if that is of much use, of my FNM games, as well as obviously writing about my successes and failures at larger events, such as PTQs, GPs and the like.

Feel free to comment on things you like and don't like about this blog, as long as it's going to help me improve my writing or my game.

1 comment:

  1. comment:
    I like how this blog has a definite focus :) Magic ftw :D!
